Not that: Atlantic farm-raised salmon
Atlantic farm-raised salmon lacks almost all the benefits that someone should expect to get from eating salmon. The farmers raise the fish in very poor enivornmental conditions. Farmed- raised fish are also fed growth hormones and antibiotics dangerous to our health. Wild salmon is a much better choice, although it is more expensive. Supermarkets label the fish 'wild' or 'farm-raised', but you can also tell by the color. Wild will be a much darker pink, and the farm-raised will be a much lighter pink.
Celebs who love wild salmon: Cheryl Crow, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston ( I guess the two like a lot of the same things)
Drink this: Green or White Tea
Everyone needs a daily boost in the morning, but tea provides you with many health and beauty benefits that coffee doesn't. Green and white teas contain a large amount of antioxidants that will improve skin, hair, teeth, and nails. Coffee doesn't have these same health benefits, and if consumed excessively, it can actually harm you. Coffee messes with your digestive system and irritates your stomach. It also doesn't allow your body to absorb all the nutrients from the food you are taking in.
Celebs who love green tea: Jennifer Lopez and Jessica Simpson
Eat this: Guacamole made with spirulina algae or with avocado

Not that: Frito Lay dip and chips
Skip all the fat in normal chips and dips, and instead choose a dip that will leave you healthier and more glowing. Guacomole, made me avocados, contains the same health and beauty benefits as salmon. The Omega 3's in avocados will lower cholesterol, improve brain function, and help to detox the body of toxins. Guacomole does have a high fat content, but it is the healthy fat that your body needs. For a less fattening guacomole, use spirulina algae instead. It has the same benefits, with less fat.
Celebs who love guacomole : Jessica Simpson and supermodel Rebecca Romijin
Drink this: Red Wine
Not that: Cosmopolitan
When out on the town, get a beauty boost instead of a sugar rush. Red wine has numerous health benefits and contains a large amount of antioxidants. A sugary drink like a cosmopolitan will leave you feeling and looking like hell the next morning. The alcohol will leave you puffy, and all the sugar may make your skin break out. Not to mention the possible weight gain from making this one of your regular drinks.
Celebs who love red wine : Terri Hatcher
Eat this: Grapes
Not that: Melons
Grapes offer the same antioxidants found in red wine, and melons are very high in sugar and offer very little nutritional value. Grab grapes on the go, instead of laboring over cutting a melon and removing seeds.
Celebs who love fruit (as a main part of their diet) : Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Love Hewitt
Why Googling your story, I came across the following and wanted to share:
ReplyDeleteThere are those who love to get dirty and fix things. They drink coffee at dawn, beer after work.
And those who stay clean, just appreciate things. At breakfast they have milk and juice at night.
There are those who do both, they drink tea.
Food for thought re: your grapes-vs.-cantaloupe suggestion: Yesterday I was at Whole Foods and read that cantaloupes (100) outrank grapes (31) on the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index:
ReplyDeleteThat salmon really looks beautiful. I love fish.